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Create a Lesson

Inspirational success story made of hard work


There are many people in this world who despite having difficulties in life, not only win over them and make their life happy but also bring light in the lives of other people. There are some people whose perspective is different from the rest and they do not see what they do not have but see what they have and what they can do with it.

There are many examples like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai, APJ Abdul Kalam, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, dancer Sudha Chandran, Dashrath Manjhi who have set records of success with their strong will.

We cannot become ideal for people in a day but we can feel the positive change with our small efforts. In our daily life, we can become an inspiration to people by serving the elderly, helping the helpless, serving birds and animals, cleaning the environment and planting trees.

So write your success story and we will give it a place in our monthly newsletter so that others can take inspiration from it.

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